Visits to the Dentist Most Often Include This Common Complaint


Ever wondered besides an annual dental cleaning that is, what the most common complaint is when it comes to visits to a dental office or a dentist? So many people, so many teeth – what’s the most common complaint when patients come to our office? With any number of possibilities, the answer might surprise you. With Dentists encouraging people to proactively care for their teeth, the number one reason up to 35% of patients visit a dentist is due to dental pain! In other words, all of the encouragement in the world won’t get some folks through the door for a proactive cleaning but waking up with a toothache? That warrants a dental visit for sure!

Along with dental pain, a further 13% of patients in one survey report their dental visit was as a direct result of a booked appointment for regular care, while almost 7% said they visit the dentist only on suspicion of a cavity. It’s likely that dental pain – the main driver of visits – is a result of the two most common issues that dentists see in their offices on a regular basis, that is dental caries (cavities) and periodontal disease. In still other research, the other most common issues we see regularly are for concerns arising from gingivitis and halitosis. The team at Brinkley Dental, located in north Brampton, didn’t really need a survey to tell us these results – we see it every day! If you have concerns about any of these issues, we can help. In the meantime, here are just a few top tips for managing your dental care together with the team here at Brinkley.

Dental Pain

If you are in pain but the it’s midnight on a Tuesday consider some of these tried and true methods for managing until you can get an appointment:

  • Apply a hot compress, or in the case of swelling, a cold compress to help manage both pain and/or swelling.
  • Take an appropriate dose of an anti-inflammatory, particularly if there is swelling.
  • Thoroughly rinse your mouth, teeth and gums with a saltwater rinse.
  • You may also wish to try a hydrogen peroxide rinse mixed with water but don’t swallow! This tip is probably best for adults who will not accidentally swallow some of the mixture.
  • Consider an appropriate dose of over the counter medication such as ibuprofen or aspirin or acetaminophen but don’t place these “on” the tooth and let them dissolve. That’s an “old wives tale” that not only doesn’t work but also could be dangerous.


Help yourself to manage gingivitis by:

  • Brushing at least twice a day.
  • Flossing regularly to remove trapped food particles.
  • Consider an electric toothbrush or one with extra soft bristles AND change your toothbrush regularly – every three months is recommended.
  • Book an appointment for a teeth cleaning!


  • To the above advice you may also want to add a routine rinse with mouthwash and/or adjusting some of your dietary habits that may be contributing to bad breath. Brushing your tongue can also help prevent sour breath and keeping your mouth moist helps too.

If you feel your dental pain may be as the result of a cavity – the best advice is to schedule an appointment with your dental professional as soon as possible. When cavities are caught and treated early enough you may even avoid any dental pain altogether! Certainly booking regular cleanings can help to identify potential problems before they become bigger ones and cavities are easier to deal with than root canals or replacements. If you find yourself experiencing any of the above reasons for visiting a dentist, consider Brinkley Dental in Brampton, serving Brampton, Caledon, and the surrounding area. In the meantime, as always we will leave you with this friendly advice: “Don’t forget to be a BFF with your mouth and brush that smile!”

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