Dentures & Partial Dentures

A denture is a removable dental prosthesis that is worn to replace a few to as much as all teeth for the patient. The support for a denture can be from tissue alone if a complete denture or tissue and teeth if a partial denture. Dentures are an affordable way to replace missing teeth. In most cases, dentures can be fabricated without requiring the alteration of teeth or tissues. There are many materials that can be used to fabricate a denture. The type of material depends on the type of denture and the esthetic needs that are required to fabricate a denture.

A partial or complete denture is chosen to improve the patient’s ability to chew. They can also be made to create a more esthetic appearance and enhance facial symmetry. In certain circumstances, a denture can be supported with the use of implants.

The fabrication of dentures usually takes a few appointments. The first appointment is to take an accurate mold or impression of the tissue that the denture will be supported on. In addition, the shade and shape of teeth will be taken. At this point, a technician will usually create the first stage of the denture which may require a few appointments to ensure a proper fit and that the dentures are esthetically acceptable. Once the try-ins are acceptable, the denture is then sent to be processed and polished so that it is smooth and comfortable. The next appointment is to deliver the dentures and ensure that they fit comfortably and look great. Subsequent appointments can be made to remove and help with possible sore spots or any looseness of the dentures.

Care instructions and proper oral hygiene are very important when dentures are being placed since teeth and tissue support not only themselves but also a new prosthesis.

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