Root Canal Therapy

Root canal therapy, or endodontics, is a dental procedure that allows a patient to keep a tooth in the presence of nerve or pulpal disease. Root canal therapy is a procedure that is necessary when a tooth’s pulp or the living tissue inside a tooth is irreversibly damaged by any external or internal irritant. Some of the most common reasons for pulpal or nerve damage may be from a large cavity, trauma, infection, or any combination of this list.  In order to preserve the tooth structure, the pulp is removed and the resultant empty space where this pulp was is cleaned, disinfected, medicated, shaped, and re-filled with a material that seals the canal from further problems. This allows a dentist to place a filling or crown on the affected tooth. Speak to one of our dentists to learn more about root canal therapy at our clinic in Brampton.

Signs and symptoms for possible root canal therapy:

Some of the signs or symptoms that a patient might experience or see that may indicate a root canal are the presence of an abscess or pimple on the gum adjacent to a tooth, recurring and long lasting hot and/or cold sensitivity, significant tooth pain that is spontaneous or while chewing, and swelling and tenderness anywhere in the mouth.  Sometimes no symptoms are apparent in a tooth that requires a root canal.

What does root canal therapy at our clinic in Brampton involve?

Plaque hardens into calculus (tartar).  As calculus and plaque continue to build up, the gums begin to recede from the teeth.  Deeper pockets form between the gums and teeth and become filled with bacteria and pus.  The gums become very irritated, inflamed, and bleed easily.  Slight to moderate bone loss may be present.

As the tooth heals there may be some sensitivity but this will subside. Your root canal dentist usually provides further information and care if required.

For root canal therapy in Brampton, call Brinkley Dental Group at 905-840-8384 today!

Frequently Asked Questions

For almost all patients, getting a root canal is no more painful than getting a restoration done at your dental office. Thanks to the use of modern endodontic techniques and local anesthetics, most people feel comfortable throughout the procedure. However, it is common to feel pressure and movement, and it is normal to feel slightly sensitive after the procedure for a few days. It is always advisable to speak to your dentist or specialist regarding after care and comfort.

Most insurance companies do cover some or all of a root canal. The extent of coverage depends on your specific insurance and whether a specialist is doing the procedure. It is common for a dental office to send an estimate to your dental insurance company to determine the coverage that is available for the treatment.

Once the local anesthetic wears off, you are free to brush your teeth as you would normally. Continuing to practice good oral hygiene after a root canal is critically important.

After a root canal, a tooth may be structurally compromised or may be subjected to chewing pressures or forces that require better protection. A crown may be suggested to help strengthen a large filling or help protect an area that is compromised. If this is the case, the recommendation of a crown should be done sooner than later.  A crown or a cap is suggested simply because it allows the visible part of a tooth to be strengthened and covered by a more robust shell than it has at present.

With the advent of modern techniques and technologies when performing root canals, most can be performed in one appointment and usually can be done within one hour or two. There may be certain circumstances that a medicated dressing needs to be placed in the canal space, or the tooth may be actively infected, and the procedure may take two appointments. Your dentist or specialist will communicate this with you at the time of the procedure. A patient’s comfort and the procedure’s success are of utmost importance to the entire dental team.

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