What Can Be Fixed When It Comes To Bad Teeth.


Whether we call it a “Top Ten” List or “The Five Most Pressing Problems When It Comes to Oral Health” the reality is there might be any number of problems related to bad teeth, mouth and gums. In good news however, a great deal of those concerns CAN be fixed. Oral health has come a long way since the days the local blacksmith removed an abscessed tooth for you and while there might still be a few concerns that require either significant work or that result in a lost tooth – well – we have solutions those situations too!

The Most Common Dental Issues Most People Might Experience at Least Once in their Lifetime!

  1. Cavity
  2. Toothache
  3. Chipped or Broken Tooth
  4. Badly Stained Teeth
  5. Impacted bad Teeth
  6. Sensitive Teeth
  7. Grinding (Bruxism)
  8. Orthodontic Issues
  9. Gum Disease
  10. Accident or Injury
  • So it turns out this list is indeed a top ten list in total. For the most part, it’s pretty self-explanatory and you may even find that often one or two of this top ten list might present itself at the same time. A cavity for example will very often also result in a toothache and badly stained teeth are often the result of bad habits that might also contribute to tooth decay. Excessive tobacco use, coffee or tea drinking, sugary beverages – each of these may cause stained teeth and plaque buildup, in turn leading to cavities and/or a toothache. Brushing and flossing regularly, and scheduled visits with your dental practitioner can help you to avoid cavities.
  • As it happens, a lot of potential issues with our oral health (like the items on this list) are very closely linked together and those links are often food and beverage related.  Chipped or broken teeth can result from something as simple as chomping down on an ear of corn or popcorn making this a “hard to avoid” scenario for most of us. If you are visiting a dentist regularly and practice good oral hygiene your chances of experiencing this type of dental issue is reduced.
  • Impacted bad teeth are something most of us would associate with wisdom teeth. It results when a tooth does not erupt properly and remains hidden underneath the gumline. If it does not bother a person and isn’t pushing other teeth out of place it can often be ignored but when pain starts to become bothersome or leads to infection or the risk of tooth movement, you may need to visit an oral surgeon.
  • When it comes to sensitive teeth, at various times throughout our lives we may experience tooth sensitivity to cold or heat. Sometimes this is a result of a cavity developing and other times it could be related to worn tooth enamel, an exposed root or even gum disease. While you may not think of it as a big issue, it might be an early warning sign to something more serious going on in your mouth and scheduling an appointment with the dentist is a good idea.
  • Grinding your teeth (or Bruxism) is usually the result of stress. It too can lead to cracked teeth and may also cause headaches and jaw pain. A potential solution, especially for those who grind at night, is to be fitted with a mouthguard.
  • Gum disease might be related to a number of factors including your diet and age. It may result in sensitive teeth and is often also the result of the sticky buildup of plaque below the gumline. If it’s left untreated you might even experience bone loss!
  • Finally, an accident or injury – while similar to a cracked tooth, is usually something more significant and resulting in severe dental trauma. Think – playing hockey without a mouthguard. If you were hit with a puck you could very likely be facing significant injury and require permanent reconstruction of some or all of your teeth, possibly dentures or even jaw surgery.

Always remember as we’ve shown in these examples, many tooth related concerns can be addressed; whether that’s through an ongoing relationship with your dentist, each of you caring proactively for your teeth, through the occasional preventative or restorative dental work, or for corrective oral health care where and when necessary such as braces for your teeth, a crown to cover a root canal or other dental procedures. No matter the problem, chances are there is also a solution, so if you find yourself experiencing any of these “Top Ten” dental issues consider a consultation with the Brinkley Dental Group in Brampton! Now, we’ll end as we always do with this gentle reminder: “Don’t forget to be a BFF with your mouth and brush that smile!”

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