Tooth Talk with Brinkley Dental Group – Season’s Greetings!


Here is something you might not always hear from your Dentist – INDULGE! It’s that time of year when many families, from all faith and cultural traditions, enjoy the seasonal festivities. If December often serves as this much needed “time – out” for families why shouldn’t it be a time – out for your teeth as well? The Brinkley Dental team would like to encourage you by saying “go ahead, eat the treat, it’s a special time of year!”

That’s right, we are actually encouraging you to enjoy the holiday season. We have a saying in our house something along the lines of “If you’re going to spoil the diet, spoil the diet!” That is to say, if you are choosing to indulge in a treat or two over the holiday season don’t waste the indulgence on dark chocolate because it’s healthier than milk chocolate or a fruit flan because it’s slightly fewer calories than a small piece of pecan pie. You get the idea. If you are going to have a treat go ahead and have one and then get back to your regular routine the next day.

Brinkley Dental assumes of course that part of your regular routine will always include proper dental hygiene! In this season where sugar does seem to come in excess (and for you older members of the audience, possibly alcohol too) it’s more important than ever to ensure you are regularly brushing your teeth throughout the holiday season. In fact, let us also take this opportunity to suggest that a new toothbrush always makes a great stocking stuffer! Don’t forget to pack that toothbrush if you are away visiting family and friends. Packing your regular tooth care products is just as important as packing the gifts and treats you plan to share!

Because it’s a special time of year, we plan to keep this blog short. December 30th will come soon enough and we can talk in detail then about new dental care routines for a new year and a new you! In the meantime, just as we are encouraging you to indulge, please indulge us as we take this time to wish you and your families a very special, happy, healthy and joyous holiday season. From the Brinkley Dental family to your family we wish you:

  • Merry Christmas
  • Happy Holidays
  • Season’s Greetings
  • Happy Kwanzaa
  • Happy Hanukkah and ….
  • If you recently celebrated Diwali we hope you enjoyed it!

Finally, no matter how you celebrate – stay safe and enjoy and as always, ”don’t forget to be a BFF with your mouth and Brush that SMILE!”





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