Tooth Talk with Brinkley Dental Group – Is it Time for Spring Cleaning?


This time of year often means an opportunity for families to air out the home, do a deep clean of everything from the couches to the curtains and to take up the rugs and either hang them outdoors or wash them if you’re able to. Windows get a polish and we dig out all of the accumulated winter debris from the corners of the entrances to our homes! Well, we can’t help but notice the similarities to these “spring cleaning” rituals and the importance of considering this time of year as a great time to get a spring cleaning of your teeth, mouth and gums!

Spring Cleaning for Your Smile

Cleanings serve a variety of purposes. For children, they are a good and early introduction to the Dentist office and help to familiarize your child with a routine visit to the Dentist and a chance for someone other than their special adult to explain the importance of brushing their teeth.

  • A cleaning is the first opportunity to identify potential dental health issues before they turn into problems that are much more significant.
  • Cleanings help to prevent the build up of plaque and/or remove plaque before it becomes harmful.
  • Cleanings are an important part of your overall oral health care routine and are recommended at least twice per year. For some however, you may benefit from more frequent cleanings if you have problematic teeth, are prone to cavities, your teeth are close together and difficult to clean and floss or if you have an ongoing health issue that can potentially be harmful teeth such as bowel disease or cancer.
  • A cleaning is a great opportunity to meet another member of your dental care team. That’s because cleanings are often performed by a dental hygienist. A hygienist works together with your Dentist, to clean teeth and to help to instruct patients on good oral health care routines.
  • During a cleaning you can expect to have your Dentist or hygienist have a good look at your teeth. They may take x-rays. They will scrape your teeth near the gum line and/or between your teeth using a small, hooked instrument called a scaler. This is to remove plaque and tartar build up. They will also use a particularly gritty type of toothpaste to help clean your teeth afterward. It sounds harsh but if only used several times of year, this “gritty” toothpaste helps to really give your teeth a deep clean. Next your teeth will be expertly flossed. Finally, after a thorough rinse, most dental offices will then offer you a choice of flavorings for a fluoride treatment that takes just a few minutes to complete.

If you think of springtime as the time to get scrubbing, why not also schedule a cleaning with your family dentist? The team at the north Brampton office of Brinkley Dental is anxiously watching the skies for signs of more sun and less snow. We’re open and ready to serve you. Schedule your “spring cleaning” today and as always, we’ll leave you with this gentle reminder: “Don’t forget to be a BFF with your mouth and brush that smile!”

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