Tooth Talk with Brinkley Dental Group – Happy New Year! Now Let’s Kick Those Post-Holiday Blues!


The start of a new year often means a return to regular routines. The kids are getting ready for school, adults are back to work and in general, life is back to being as normal as it can be in these trying times. Even though Ontario is locked down, life continues to move at full speed, not hitting the brakes even for a moment! If only the holidays could have lasted a whole month this year. 

I say that because for many of us, this year the holidays were extra important. They were something to look forward to in an otherwise pretty empty year. The lack of socializing has been tough on everyone, and though we still couldn’t get together with all the folks we would have liked to visit over the holidays, it was still wonderful to spend some time with those closest to us and to have some time off, however short. That time to relax and be with our families was much needed and brought smiles to our faces. At Brinkley Dental, we’re all about smiles and we hope you were blessed with many this holiday season. 

On that note, the team at Brinkley Dental would like to wish you and your family a happy new year! We’re wishing you all the best as we move bravely into 2021. Let’s stay strong together even though we are apart. Let’s stay optimistic too—a vaccine for all is a real possibility this year, which already makes 2021 better than 2020. Until that vaccine comes, (and even after it does of course) maintaining good, healthy routines will be very important for us all! 

Part of getting back into a good routine is taking care of your dental health. I bet you expected us to say that, but hey, we are your dentists after all! Brushing your teeth, flossing and even occasionally using mouthwash when and where necessary goes a long way towards helping you not only feel fresh and ready for the day but maintaining good oral hygiene too. Make sure you maintain these same routines after every meal if possible and before bed is a must!  

Considering that many of us are working from home, it might be tempting to skip certain parts of our routine, especially on those days when it’s just a little harder to get out of bed and face the world. The kids are missing out on these routines as well, particularly if you’ve chosen homeschooling as the option that works best for your family. Even though some of us won’t see anyone in person but our own families all day, it is still important for your oral health, and perhaps even more so for your mental health, to take care of yourself properly! Put on your favourite song while you brush your teeth in the morning and let the sound motivate you and help perk you up. This is an even better trick for the kids as you can have them brush for the length of time it takes to play the song, virtually guaranteeing a good cleaning! 

When you take time for self-care, your body will always thank you. Time invested in yourself is never wasted time—and the team here at Brinkley Dental is ready to help if you’re ready to take great care of your teeth as part of your self-care routine this year. 

From routine cleanings to cosmetic procedures and dental restoration, we’ve got you covered in 2021 and beyond. The new year is a really good time to get a thorough cleaning done. If you overindulged in all the sweet things the holidays provide, your teeth could probably use a little pick-me-up. We all could these days! So why not also indulge your teeth? After all, they work hard! Contact us today and as always, we invite you to remember this: “don’t forget to be a BFF with your mouth and brush that smile!”

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