Tooth Talk with Brinkley Dental Group – Halloween Treats and Your November Contest Update


It was a dark and scary night….the wind howled, the trees creaked and the goblins screeched. Dentists everywhere cringed in horror as sticky toffee after gummy worm after chewy candy apple was handed out to all the little children trick or treating in Brampton, Caledon and everywhere in between.

No, wait! That’s not the story we want to tell at all! It’s become a bit of an urban legend over the years that Dentists everywhere grimace at the mere mention of Halloween. It’s just not true! We love the October celebration just as much as some of your friends and neighbours do and we look forward to all the little ghouls and goblins that visit us on Halloween night. The only difference is, we encourage your youngsters to partake of the “treat” portion of the evening (and in the days that follow) responsibly!

Halloween can be a fun time and no, Dentists don’t hand out toothbrushes and toothpaste. (Well some might but the Brinkley team wouldn’t dream of it!) We simply encourage you to make sure that after everyone enjoys a treat (or two!) they take the time to brush their teeth or at the very least, if you are out and about, to grab a bottle of water and do a quick “swish and spit!” This is particularly true after sticky toffee and other chewy treats that really like to adhere to our teeth. Sticky toffee type candies and caramels can really deposit down into the deep inner reaches and become entrenched, providing ample opportunity for bacteria to grow and thrive. The last thing the Brinkley team wants to see is your little goblins “treat” turn into a horrible “trick” requiring a cavity filling or worse. We want to be sure the only teeth that need pulling out when Halloween ends are of the fake Dracula variety! Enjoying the occasional treat, whether at Halloween or any other time of year, isn’t a problem as long as we always remember the basic golden rules of good oral hygiene.

We also would like to take this opportunity to remind regular readers that October isn’t the only month full of fun, enjoyable events. In November, Brinkley Dental will be celebrating our 15th Anniversary! We have several activities planned for the big day but most importantly, right now you can enter to win one of several great prizes including an iPad Mini! Even better, every entry supports local women’s shelters because just by entering our contest Brinkley Dental will donate $2.00 for every entry received. Talk about exciting – you enter, we donate, everyone wins! Call or visit us today and as always: ”don’t forget to be a BFF with your mouth and Brush that SMILE!”


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