Tooth Talk with Brinkley Dental Group – Call me Old-Fashioned……


Recently we read an article on some of the newest tech innovations to “rock the dental world.” It seems there’s a place for technology everywhere you look – even in the bathroom (and we’re not talking about taking your phone to the toilet and scrolling facebook because….ewww.) No, what we’re talking about is the latest innovative gadget that involves these three things: your smart phone, AI technology and brushing your teeth. But, if you’re like me and don’t think there’s a place for your phone in the bathroom then I guess you’ll just have to call us old-fashioned.

Here’s what I’m talking about. A recent article posted on “Expert Reviews”* (1) outlined the “latest and greatest” gadget for helping us to brush our teeth. It’s the “Genius X.” Now – before I proceed further I have to be clear – in over 100 blogs we’ve been very careful to never either endorse or slam a product. In fact, we rarely ever mention specific products period. So I’m not slamming this particular toothbrush, nor am I praising it. I legitimately just want to get your opinion on whether or not I really am showing my age and acting old-fashioned!

This toothbrush contains more sensors inside it than your average wristwatch and claims to be able to “analyze your brushing patterns and tell you how to do a better job.” Now – this isn’t the first toothbrush to have a phone connection. There have been other brushes that give you feedback too but this one, according to the manufacturer, “goes one step further…… by using AI (artificial intelligence) to give you more detailed feedback on precisely which areas you brushed too hard as well as the areas of your mouth you’ve neglected. Thanks to a combination of accelerometers and a gyroscope, this state-of-the-art electric toothbrush has “learned” (your) brushing techniques.” (2) I mean, this kind of sounds like something from that old cartoon “The Jetsons” but I guess saying that shows just how old I really am! My real question is, is this really necessary? Do we really want our smart phone that close to running water? Do we need that kind of “feedback?” You know who else can give you feedback on your tooth brushing techniques and honestly, in a more hands-on and likely more accurate way? Your Dentist!

It seems that in our rush to embrace technology no one, not even toothbrush manufacturers, want to be left behind.  Certainly I don’t want to be left behind either, nor do I want to be accused of being a Luddite. After all, technology does many, many wonderful things. However, I don’t think anything can replace good, old-fashioned supervised brushing when teaching your children how to brush their teeth and once you’re an adult – I’m pretty sure you’ve got this tooth brushing thing down pat and don’t need artificial intelligence to remind you how it’s done!

If you’d like a bit of a refresher course, or for a Dentist to give you some hands – on, actual feedback on how you’re doing, give the Brinkley family friendly dental team a call and book an appointment today. Oh and just in case you thought I was indeed “old-fashioned” – our office does send you email reminders about your appointments! Technology – it’s not all bad! As always, we’ll also end with our gentle reminder, “don’t forget to be a BFF with your mouth and Brush that SMILE!”


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